2024-11-23 17:54


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2022 Meeting

Section: Solid State Physics and Materials Science, Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma and Lasers

Impure geometric progression of synthetic frequencies: a well-defined and precision-optimized method for absolute distance measurement

Petre Cătălin LOGOFĂTU

National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Laser Dept., str. Atomiștilor nr. 409, CP MG-36, Măgurele, jud. Ilfov, Romania, 077125


Absolute length measurement, multiwavelength interferometry, synthetic frequency

The method for the determination of the absolute distance from the excess ratios of multiwavelength interferometry, invented by Benoît in 1898 [1], was seriously confronted with the problem of ambiguity and the lack of a analytical formula for calculations. From the beginning it was intuitively known that the ambiguity may be removed by using a large number of frequencies and selecting frequencies that are not in an obvious rapport with each other, such as a small integer ratio. But only much later sufficient theoretical progress was made toward the elimination in principle of the ambiguity [2] and finding an analytical formula for the absolute distance [3]. I offer here a solution for the elimination of the ambiguities at the ends of the period, which are not dealt in reference [2], a true analytical formula for the determination of the absolute distance, (reference [3] offers only an easily implemented computer procedure, not really an analytical function) and other improvements. My method is proven rigorously to be well-defined (i.e. non-ambiguous) and optimized for precision. It is shown here that my method is the boundary between ambiguity and precision. There are more precise methods, but they are ambiguous; there are also other non-ambiguous methods, but they are less precise.


[1] R. Benoît, “Application des phénomènes d’interférence à des déterminations métrologiques,” Journal de Physique Théorique et Appliquée, 7(1), 57 (1898) (in French).

[2] C. E. Towers, D. P. Towers, J. D. C. Jones, “Optimum frequency selection in multifrequency interferometry,” Optics Letters 28(11), 887 (2003).

[3] C. R. Tilford, “Analytical procedure for determining lengths from fractional fringes,” Appl. Opt., 16(7), 1857 (1977).

Acknowledgments. This work was supported by Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, under Romanian National Nucleu Program LAPLAS VI – contract no. 16N/2019.