2024-11-24 23:04


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2024 Meeting

Section: Physics Education

Bridging Generations in Physics Teaching. Study Case: Lessons from the Teaching Legacy of Ludovic Schwartz

Patrick-Joshua BIRO (1)

1) Faculty of Informatics and Sciences, University of Oradea


physics teaching, intergenerational mentoring, Ludovic Schwartz, mentorship approach

As teachers seek to revitalize Physics education in the 21st century, the importance of intergenerational mentoring has become increasingly evident, especially in the context of STEM education [1-2]. Physics is identified as a core element in STEM education [3], and fostering such a dynamic in school would enhance the respect towards this subject and its importance. This includes the situation when a teacher chooses a constructivist approach for their lessons [4]. In this spirit, the Romanian-Jewish teacher Ludovic Schwartz (1925-1988) has demonstrated the capability of creating the aforementioned dynamic. We address the question: Which of his qualities and didactical strategies would contribute to the success of current students in understanding Physics? Through a mixed-methods approach, we intend to highlight his teaching methodologies and mentorship approach from three perspectives: (a) the influence towards his students, regardless of their future career path, as related by them [5], (b) his vision regarding Physics education, as shown in local and national publications [6-7], [8-10], and (c) the variety of the Physics problems he has proposed during his teaching years [11-13] and through the lens of the Memorial Ludovic Schwartz Contest [14]. We conducted in-depth interviews with two of his former students from different backgrounds, in order to avoid biased opinions. Furthermore, we analyzed ten documents featuring his work in Physics education, including books and speciality articles. Our preliminary findings show that a constructivist and student-centered approach, adopted by Schwartz, is also adaptable for Physics teaching in the 21st century. Granted, such an approach is subject to caution due to the recent pandemical context and the use of Artificial Intelligence. By addressing them in the debate of intergenerational mentoring in Physics, an improved mentor-mentee relationship would benefit the students of all levels of Physics understanding.


[1]A.R. Masalimova, M.K. Kabardov, Y.P. Kosheleva, L.B. Omarova, E.I. Zamaraeva, D.A. Dobrokhotov, et al., Research on mentoring in science education: A Bibliometric analysis, Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. 20 (2024).

[2] D. Cameron, A. Grant, ”The role of mentoring in early career physics teachers’ professional identity construction”, International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education. 6 (2017) 128–142.

[3] A. Dominguez, J. De la Garza, M. Quezada-Espinoza, G. Zavala, Integration of physics and mathematics in STEM education: Use of modeling, Education Sciences. 14 (2023)

[4] F. Iofciu, C. Miron, S. Antohe, Constructivist approach of Evaluation Strategies in Science Education, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 31 (2012) 292–296.

[5] Ildikó Bartos-Elekes (red.), "Cine a fost Ludovic Schwartz?", Oradea: Fundația Schwartz (2003)

[6] Gazeta învățământului, 24.05.1952, anul 4, nr. 164, p. 81

[7] Gazeta învățământului, 21.12.1956, anul 8, nr. 402, p. 2

[8] Gazeta învățământului, 17.01.1958, anul 10, nr. 454, p. 10

[9] Gazeta învățământului, 13.12.1963, anul 15, nr. 733, p. 365

[10] Gazeta învățământului, 03.01.1964, anul 16, nr. 736, p. 3

[11] Gazeta matematică și fizică: Seria B, 1960, anul 11, nr. 11, p. 725

[12] Gazeta matematică și fizică: Seria B, 1963, anul 14, nr. 4, p. 258

[13] Gazeta matematică și fizică: Seria B, 1963, anul 14, nr. 6, pg. 379

[14] ”Rezolvările problemelor F7-F9, F12, propuse pentru concursul rezolvitorilor în FTM, vol. I, Nr. 2 (2003)”, Fizica și Tehnologiile Moderne. 5 (3-4) (2007) 30-38.

I am indebted to Dr. Bartos-Elekes István for his invaluable insights on Ludovic Schwartz's teaching methodologies, his classroom demeanor, and guidance on the history of the Memorial Ludovic Schwartz Contest. I extend my sincere appreciation to Mrs. Livia Cherecheș (Tikvah Association), to my mother Ilona-Maria Veinotte, and to Eng. Paul Spitzer (Jewish Community of Oradea) for their moral and emotional support throughout this endeavor. In an equal measure, I am grateful for lect. univ. Dr. Monica Adina Toderaș, Departmental Director of Medical Physics specialisation at the Faculty of Informatics and Science, Oradea, for her useful suggestions regarding the presentation.