Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2024 Meeting
Section: Physics Education
Title: LASER Diffraction Study: Determinig the Wavelength of Optical Radiation. Beer-Lambert’s Law for Calculating the Optical Density of Air
Authors: Marilena COLȚ (1), Mihai Valerian POPESCU (1), Florentina Loredana DRAGOMIR (2), Valentin BARNA (3)
Affiliation: 1) ”Ion Luca Caragiale” National College, Ploiesti, Romania
2) ”Carol I” National Defence University, Bucharest, Romania
3) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics
E-mail enachemarilena2007@yahoo.com, barnavalentin@yahoo.com
Keywords: diffraction, optical density and transmittance, digital lux meter, physics education.
Abstract: The paper proposes a study of the phenomenon of light diffraction at high school or introductory university level, using a lux meter. The light intensity in the diffraction table for two different wavelengths corresponding to red and green colors will be analyzed comparatively. Using a diffraction grating with known LPI will initially determine the two wavelengths of the LASER beams. These beams will later be used in the calculation, by means of the Beer-Lambert law, of the air absorbance, respectively the air transmittance for the bright central fringe and for the following maxima. Because it is widely used in academia, OriginLab was used for data analysis and graphing.