Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2024 Meeting
Section: Theoretical and Computational Physics, High-Energy Physics, Applied Mathematics
Title: GPU-friendly boundary representation geometry model for simulation
Authors: Eduard George STAN (1,2), Andrei GHEAȚĂ (3)
Affiliation: 1) IFIN-HH
2) University of Bucharest
3) CERN, Geneva
E-mail eduard.george.stan@cern.ch
Keywords: Simulation; R&D; Geometry; Surface Model; GPU multi-threading
Abstract: The SFT simulation R&D group is working on optimizing the performance
of the Geant4 particle transport simulation toolkit. This includes porting the
simulation software to accelerator hardware such as graphics processing units
(GPUs), which often implies major rewrites of simulation components. One of
the current projects targets developing a surface-based geometry model within
the VecGeom library, to mitigate the geometry performance overhead observed
in GPU simulations with the current 3D-solid modeling approach. The project
is in a phase where the base required functionality is implemented, but several
areas are still incomplete, in particular providing surface support for the full
set of supported 3D-solid primitives. This project targets extending the set
of supported 3D solids to be meshed, including the unit test coverage, and
integration with the GPU particle transport framework.
A Roadmap for HEP Software and Computing R&D for the 2020s - https://arxiv.org/pdf/1712.06982
Surface-based GPU-friendly geometry modeling for detector simulation - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZGtAkT9pzMHfyDTde22mgPkC_HCPVMt7mLcAdE01JaY/edit#slide=id.p