2025-03-07 5:02


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2024 Meeting

Section: Biophysics; Medical Physics

Investigation of high-dose rates proton beam effects on B16 melanoma cells

Andreea IONESCU (BAICAN) (1), Decebal IANCU (2), Radu ANDREI (2), Mihai STRATICIUC (2), Mihai RADU (2), Aurel POPESCU (1), Mihaela BACALUM (2)

1)Department of Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, Măgurele, Romania

2)“Horia Hulubei” National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Măgurele, Romania


flash radiotherapy, hadron therapy, protons, cancer, melanoma

Cancer remains a pressing issue in the field of health, exhibiting a trend of increasing incidence rates. Approximately 1 in 5 individuals develops some form of cancer throughout its lifetime. Melanoma is a type of malignant tumour originating from mutations in melanocytes, provoking their uncontrolled division (1). This form of cancer accounts for the majority of skin cancer deaths and contributes to 0.7% of cancer related fatalities (1,2). Current treatment methods utilized in cancer include chemotherapy, surgery, hormone therapy, hyperthermia, immunotherapy, and radiotherapy. However, for certain types of cancer, only radiotherapy remains an effective form of treatment. The proton therapy can lead to a reduction in side effects on healthy tissues compared to phototherapy (3). FLASH radiotherapy involves delivering a high dose of radiation to the tumour volume at high dose rates. This technique results in the protection of healthy tissues, simultaneously providing an effective control over tumour tissues (4). The aim of this study is to administer high-dose rates (1.500 Gy/s, 1.000 Gy/s, 250 Gy/s, 50 Gy/s) of protons using the 3MV Tandetron particle accelerator to B16 melanoma cells, in order to assess cellular viability, the formation rate of reactive oxygen species, and the induction of senescence. This endeavor aims to enhance understanding in these areas, which may further contribute to advancements in the field of hadron therapy.


1. Matthews N. H., Li W.-Q., Qureshi A. A., Weinstock M. A., Cho E., Epidemiology of Melanoma, In: Ward W. H., Farma J. M., editors. Cutaneous Melanoma: Etiology and Therapy [Internet]. Brisbane (AU): Codon Publications, Dec 21. Chapter 1, 2017.

2. Schadendorf D., van Akkooi A. C. J., Berking C., Griewank K. G., Gutzmer R., Hauschild A., Stang A., Roesch A., Ugurel S., Melanoma, The Lancet, 392, 971-84, 2018

3. Mayani D. D., Proton Therapy for Cancer Treatment, J. Oncol. Pharm. Practice, 17 (3) 186-190, 2010

4. Hughes J. R., Parson J. L., FLASH Radiotherapy: Current knowledge and future insights using proton-beam therapy, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 21 (18), 6492, 2020.