Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2024 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: On the equation of state of the nuclear matter for high excited and dense nuclear matter. Possible ways for investigation
Authors: Alexandru JIPA, Oana RISTEA, Marius CĂLIN, Ionel LAZANU, Tiberiu EȘANU, Dănuț ARGINTARU, Nicolae ȚUȚURAȘ, Murat ABLAI, Diana DEARĂ, Vlad Andrei BÂSCEANU
Affiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics
E-mail jipa@brahms.fizica.unibuc.ro
Keywords: relativistic and ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions, hot and dense nuclear matter, nuclear equation of state
Abstract: Equation of state of dense and hot nuclear matter can help in the tentative to study the Universe's evolution, including stars' formation and apparition of special star types, as neutron stars.
In this work we try to present some basic considerations, experimental results for older experiments, as well as some simulation results for future experiments.
A special attention will be paid to the simulations and results for CBM and HADES experiments from FAIR-GSI.
Acknowledgement: Many thanks to the Research Ministry and Atomic Physics Institute for the financial support during our participation at CBM Collaboration.