2025-03-07 4:15


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2024 Meeting

Section: Physics and Technology of Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources

A comprehensive analysis of metal contaminations in drinking water: Case study of different train stations near Bucharest

Maria Gabriela PRODAN GÂDEA, Sanda VOINEA, Cornelia DIAC

University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 405 Atomiștilor str., PO Box MG-38, Bucharest-Măgurele, Romania


water quality, heavy metals contamination, health standards

The quality of water, characterized by its purity, mineral content, and absence of contaminants, holds a significant position in maintaining human health. It is instrumental in ensuring the optimal functioning of various bodily systems, contributing to overall well-being. Therefore, maintaining high water quality standards is not just an environmental concern, but a crucial public health issue as well. This thesis analyzes the physico-chemical parameters that signify the concentration of metal pollution in potable waters from train stations in the vicinity of Bucharest. The aim is to assess their compliance with international health standards.This study identifies parameters that exceed legal limits and examines their impact on human health. It employs analytical methods such as optical emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma and UV-VIS spectroscopy, in conjunction with Merk kit methods. These techniques identify and quantify elements that surpass permissible limits. The study includes a set of samples from Bucharest and its neighbouring regions, gathered from fountains, wells, and urban distribution networks. The findings reveal considerable variations in drinking water quality, contingent on the source and geographical location. At certain railway stations, contaminant levels exceed permissible limits, posing a significant risk to human health. Notable contaminants include nitrates, iron, lead, and hardness. The research offers recommendations for improving the monitoring and management of drinking water quality. These include the necessity for more stringent regulatory policies and the deployment of more effective water treatment systems. The importance of public education about contamination sources and water purification methods is also underscored. In conclusion, this study highlights the urgent need for measures to ensure drinking water quality and safeguard public health. By implementing the suggested recommendations, the risk associated the consumption of contaminated water can be substantially mitigated, ensuring a reliable water source for the population.


[1] Bawaskar, H.S., Bawaskar, Pramodini Himmatrao, Bawaskar, Parag Himmatrao, 2010. Chronic renal failure associated with heavy metal contamination of drinking water: a clinical report from a small village in Maharashtra. Clin. Toxicol. 48, 768.

[2] RAPORTUL PENTRU SĂNĂTATE ŞI MEDIU 2016, Material efectuat prin Programul National de Monitorizare a Factorilor Determinanti din Mediul de Viata si Munca Marcinek & Rosenkranz 1996, Data according to Baumgartner und Reichel 1975

[3] Nitrate and nitrite in drinking water. Background document for development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, World Health Organization 2011