Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2024 Meeting
Section: Biophysics; Medical Physics
Title: Silver nanoparticles generated from Geranium Robertianum: biophysical characterization
Authors: M.-I. IVAN (1), C. NICHITA (2,3), V. IFTIMIE (4), M.-E. BARBINTA-PATRASCU (1)
Affiliation: (1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Department of Electricity, Solid-State Physics and Biophysics, 405 Atomistilor Street, PO Box MG-11, Bucharest-Magurele, 077125, Romania
(2) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, CTT-3Nano-SAE Research Center, MG-38, 405 Atomistilor Street, 077125, Magurele, Romania
(3) National Institute for Chemical – Pharmaceutical Research and Development, 112 Vitan Avenue, 031299, Bucharest, Romania
(4) “Gh. Ruset Roznovanu” Technological High School, Roznov, Strada Tineretului, Piatra Neamt, Neamt, 617390, Romania
E-mail marcela.barbinta@unibuc.ro
Keywords: Phytosynthesized silver nanoparticles; antioxidant activity; urease activity
Abstract: Phytosynthesis of metallic nanoparticles is a new trend in “green” nanotechnology, a great interest being given to silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). In this study, silver nanoparticles (phyto-AgNPs) were phytosynthesized by using an aqueous extract of aerial parts of Geranium robertianum. Different types of phyto-AgNPs were prepared by varying the ratio of vegetal extract/precursor salt solution. The obtained phyto-AgNPs were characterized by UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy, and we chose the phyto-AgNPs obtained with the best yield. These were further characterized by various biophysical methods. Their physical stability was checked by zeta potential measurements, and their size was evaluated by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) measurements. The phytosynthesized AgNPs showed urease inhibitory activity (estimated by conductometric assay), and also good antioxidant properties (evaluated by chemiluminescence technique). These findings could be exploited in the biomedical field for the development of novel urease inhibitors.
1. M.-E. Barbinta-Patrascu, C. Nichita, B. Bita, S. Antohe, Biocomposite Materials Derived from Andropogon halepensis – Eco-design and Biophysical Evaluation, Materials 2024, 17(5), 1225; WOS:001183358600001, https://doi.org/10.3390/ma17051225
2. M.-E. Barbinta-Patrascu, C. Chilom, C. Nichita, I. Zgura, S. Iftimie, S. Antohe, Biophysical insights on Jack bean urease in the presence of silver chloride phytonanoparticles generated from Mentha piperita L. leaves, Rom.Rep.Phys., 74(4), 605, 2022. WOS:000884295200012. http://www.rrp.infim.ro/2022/AN74605.pdf