Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2024 Meeting
Section: Theoretical and Computational Physics, High-Energy Physics, Applied Mathematics
Title: Simulation of a plastic scintillating detector using the GEANT4 framework
Authors: Daniel-Cristian COSTACHE (1,2), Dorel PIETREANU (2)
Affiliation: 1)University of Bucharest
2)"Horia Hulubei" National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering
E-mail ccristian2001@gmail.com
Keywords: Monte Carlo, GEANT4, particle physics, scintillating detector, plastic scintillator
Abstract: GEANT4 is a C++ Monte Carlo simulation framework, developed primarily at CERN to aid in modelling the passage and interactions of particles through different media. GEANT4 allows the user to customize the experimental setup and permits complex geometries to be utilized in the simulation. The framework provides the tracks of the particles and the deposited energy, allowing the output of data so it can further be used in analysis. GEANT4 can also be used for the visualization of said tracks. In this study, GEANT4 was used to simulate a setup based on a plastic scintillating detector and to test its response when exposed to incident radiation. The setup was successfully simulated and the results have been plotted using the ROOT framework.