Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2013 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: The study of multiplicity distributions moments from nucleus-nucleus collisions at energies available at FAIR-GSI (I)
Authors: Vicentiu Constantin Iancu, Alexandru Jipa, Oana Ristea, Catalin Ristea
Affiliation: Faculty of Physics University of Bucharest, 077125, Atomistilor Street 405, Magurele Ilfov, Romania
E-mail vicentiu_iancu@yahoo.com
Keywords: relativistic nuclear collisions, quark-gluon plasma, multiplicity distributions moments, centrality, Glauber MC model.
Abstract: One of the main goals of the nucleus-nucleus collisions at high energies is to explore the nuclear matter phase diagrame and search for the critical point (CP) of the phase transition between hadronic matter and deconfined matter. Higher moments of multiplicity distributions are proposed to provide one of the most sensitive probes towards the search for the CP because are conjectured to reflect the large fluctuations associating to the hadron-quark phase transition. The 3rd moment (skewness) is expected to change its sign when system evolution trajectory in the phase diagram cross phase boundary
The multiplicity distributions of the particles produced in such collisions reflect the collision geometry and the moments reflect the collision dynamics. The stopping of the projectile nucleus in target nucleus and possible influences on the collective flow are analyzed using the method of moments, as well as the specific correlations.
We analized the multiplicity distributions of different types of particles (pions, kaons, protons) produced in simulated Au+Au collisions using UrQMD model at energies that will be available at FAIR- GSI (plab = 2, 4, 5 11, 25 GeV/c). The centrality and beam energy dependence of the moments of multiplicity distributions will be presented. Our results are compared with experimental results obtained in nucleus - nucleus collisions at 4.5A GeV/c using SKM 200 Spectrometer from JINR Dubna.